For More Information

 For more information or to receive an application for registration, please contact Betty Serls at or (401) 847-6181.

Our Curriculum

OUR CURRICULUM - It is the philosophy of our school that early childhood should be a time of fun as well as social, emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual growth. Our curriculum will include hands-on activities that encourage the growth and development of all the children while allowing them to enjoy learning about themselves and the world God created.

Our curriculum will include:

  • Sharing and conversation
  • Story time
  • Music
  • Finger plays and puppets
  • Outdoor play
  • Cooking Experiences
  • Computer Development
  • Creative art projects
  • Games and large muscle activities
  • Science and nature activities
  • Exposure to shapes, colors, numbers and letters
  • Dramatic Play
  • Seasonal and Holiday programs
  • Daily nutritious snacks
  • Bible stories and lessons
  • Daily prayers and devotion time

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14

Our Mission

Partner with parents in nurturing young children in a Christian environment,

assisting them to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.

United Methodist Church

200 Turner Road, Middletown, RI 02842

Our Staff

Our staff will provide a warm, nurturing and creative learning environment for our students. Our staff consists of a qualified head teacher, teacher’s aide, and administrative coordinator. Our teacher/child ratios are lower than the state recommended guidelines. Our teachers and staff share a commitment to Jesus Christ and to the Christian Church and a passion for ministry with preschool age children.

Our Program

Calvary Christian Preschool is a weekday preschool program designed to nurture and teach children in an environment of Christian love and education. We offer a morning program for children who are 3 and 4 years of age.

3 Year Old Program

Tuesday and Thursday

9:00AM - 12:00PM

4 Year Old Program

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday


Children must be 3 to enroll.

Tuition Assistance available.

Calvary Christian Preschool works to provide an environment where your children will feel safe and comfortable, where they can learn and grow through a balance of developmentally appropriate activities, and where they can begin learning about God’s love for them. Our cheerful, fun-filled setting and small class size help provide each child with an enriching start to his or her education.